I'm Weirded The Fuck Out By This Picture Of Allison Williams As Peter Pan



I don’t know what I was expecting when looking at a picture of Allison Williams as Peter Pan but whatever it was I wasn’t expecting that.  Ya know, for her to look that much like a little boy.  Didn’t think it was possible.  I know that’s kind of the point but she looks a whole lot like a little boy.  I’m used to a smoking hot Allison Williams, tearing up red carpets and having a permanent place in my heart forever.  So classy hot that I can barely stand it.  She’s one of those girls.  One of those girls who I’d give up my left arm to hang out with/marry/kidnap.  Huh?  But now that this picture exists of her looking like a little boy I’m weirded the fuck out.  I’m sure nothing will change between us.  She’ll continue to never know I ever existed and I’ll continue making a giant candle-lit shrine in my basement dedicated to her.  But I plan on taking all of my brain power and forgetting that picture ever made it’s way into my eye sight.








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